
Dartmouth Survey

Hello Dartmouth Students, I had a great time visiting your class the other week. I put together this short 7-question survey because, in some ways, you are the ideal reader/viewer for my work, and I’d love to get to know you a little bit more. All questions are optional, and the survey can be answered anonymously. I’m sure you’re busy and have much to do, so I appreciate you taking the time to participate.

Manuscript Feedback

Thank You! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my manuscript. Your interest in my work means a lot to me. Over the course of writing this book, I’ve come to view feedback as a vital part of the process. I hope that you provide your honest opinion about my work, because I want to make the best story possible, and I value your criticisms and comments.

Rewrite Feedback

Thank you again for taking the time to read my work. Your input has been so incredibly helpful and this project would not what it is today without it. As always, all questions are optional, except for your name and email, because that’s how I’m keeping track of everyone. If you would prefer, you can send feedback to the email listed below. I’m looking forward to hearing what you thought of this latest iteration.