Dartmouth Survey

Hello Dartmouth Students,

I had a great time visiting your class the other week. I put together this short 7-question survey because, in some ways, you are the ideal reader/viewer for my work, and I’d love to get to know you a little bit more.

All questions are optional, and the survey can be answered anonymously. I’m sure you’re busy and have much to do, so I appreciate you taking the time to participate.

Thanks so much for being a great audience, and I hope to visit again once both projects are complete.

All the best,

Generally speaking, what is your interest in Latin American studies? Do you have a connection to the region that makes you curious about its history?

Maybe you connected with the idea of navigating multiple identities or balancing the demands of two distinct cultures, whatever it was I'd love to know.

Please don't feel obligated to share any specific or private information, I'd just like to get a sense of how you relate to my story.

Generally speaking, what kind of story do you want to tell? Do you want to write a book or make a film, like me, or something else entirely?

Are there any Podcasts, YouTube Videos, Books, or Movies that deal with similar themes? If so, what are a few of your favorites?

Is there anything else you would like to share with me?