Manuscript Feedback

Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my manuscript. Your interest in my work means a lot to me.

Over the course of writing this book, I’ve come to view feedback as a vital part of the process. I hope that you provide your honest opinion about my work, because I want to make the best story possible, and I value your criticisms and comments.

All questions are optional, except for your name and email, because that’s how I’m keeping track of everyone. I want you to feel comfortable sharing as much or as little as you would like. If you would prefer, you can send feedback to the email listed below.

Thanks again for reading my book, and I look forward to hearing what you thought about it!

Feedback Form

Were there any themes, aspects, or ideas in the book that you found compelling?

Were there any parts that felt slow, unnecessary, or repetitive? (No, is a perfectly acceptable answer.)

Did you find it satisfying, or was anything left unresolved? If so, what?

I know this isn't really a question, but could write a review for my book like you would for or any other review site? It doesn't have to be that long, a couple of sentences is fine.

This might be used on the website or blurbs on the book itself.

I love hearing people's feedback "in person." Would you be interested in providing your feedback over the phone or on a video call?

The emails are sent twice a month, first with content and then an author update.

Psssst… If you already receive my author updates form there is no need to sign up, it is the same newsletter.