Rewrite Feedback

Thank you again for taking the time to read my work. Your input has been so incredibly helpful and this project would not what it is today without it.

As always, all questions are optional, except for your name and email, because that’s how I’m keeping track of everyone. If you would prefer, you can send feedback to the email listed below.

I’m looking forward to hearing what you thought of this latest iteration.

All the best,

If you've read the book, do you feel like this rewrite sets up something different from what you remember reading?

My goal for this section was to provide some historical context but write it in a way that worked with the rest of the narrative. Do you think I achieved that goal?

I find that this term isn't well understood in the US, not only because of language differences but also because it is rooted in the experiences of family members who are missing loved ones. Do you feel that the prologue does a good job of grounding this term?

Do you feel like there is much more wieght to that question in the rewrite?