How to tell a Personal Story

Post-Workshop Survey & Resources


Thank you so much for being part of the first draft of my workshop. My gaol while creating it was to help people just like you find their voice and tell their stories.

If you missed the workshop in person or want a refresher on what was discussed you can watch the replay here. Just keep in mind I did not edit the video so there are some dead air time when we are on break and in break out rooms.

Don’t forget to check out the resources and bonus material which incudes:

  • My slide deck
  • My NACLA Essay on being disappeared with notes*
  • My Outline of that essay with notes
  • An audio recording of the presentation

* I haven’t quite finished this but I will add it as soon as I can.

The survey below will help me refine the workshop for the next iteration. All questions are optional, and it should take about 10 to 20 minutes

Thanks again for being a part of this journey.

Would having ongoing support and connection be helpful?