How to tell a Personal Story

Pre-Workshop Welcome & Survey


I’m really excited about our upcoming workshop on How to Tell A Personal Story. It’s going to be an action-packed experience.

If you could answer the questions below, that would help me better understand where you are in your writing journey and what kind of support you’re looking for. It also allows you to reflect ahead of time so you’re clear on your goals and needs for the workshop.

We’ll start promptly at 10:00 am EST, so sign into the Zoom room a few minutes early. If you want to hang out and drink coffee, I will start the call 15 minutes early.

Here is our tentative schedule* for the workshop:

  • 10:00 am EST - Kick-off + Welcome
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • 10:30 EST - Break (5 minutes)
  • Part 3
  • 11:15 pm EST - Break (5 minutes)
  • Part 4
  • 11:30 am EST - Wrap-up + Goodbye

*I’ll do my best to stick to the schedule, but it is subject to change. Mostly, I want you to know that there will be breaks!

We will be doing a little group work along with writing exercises, so come prepared with your favorite writing implement, digital or analog. The workshop will not be recorded, but don’t worry about trying to capture everything we cover, as I will share the slides along with some bonus material afterward.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

See you on Saturday, March 2nd!

What motivated you to sign up for this Workshop? What specific skills or knowledge are you hoping to gain?

What are your expectations for the How to Tell A Personal Story Workshop? What is the one thing you hope to take away from this experience?

What challenges have you faced (or anticipate facing) in writing this kind of story?

Where do you see your writing going in the next year? What is your ultimate goal or vision for the story you want to tell?

Are you open to receiving and acting on feedback during the workshop? What areas do you think you might need the most guidance or improvement in?

What are the ways you learn best? What is most helpful to you? For example, is being able to ask questions important? Do slides and visuals help you understand the information? Does participating in discussions help you? How do you best receive feedback? Does having some materials ahead of time to review in advance help you?